Backup as a Service (BaaS)
Keep Your Data Secure With An Offsite Copy As Well As A Local Backup
Don’t Lose Your Company Data
Even today, there are many companies that lose their data because the simply don’t back it up.
Data loss caused by equipment failures, natural disasters, human error, ransomware and malware can occur when you least expect it. Your data is the lifeblood of your company, essential to the daily operation of your business, without it your business fails.
Fulgent’s Backup as a Service solution takes away the hassle of remembering to change the backup tape every night and having to take media away from the business as an offsite copy. We will backup to a static local device at your premises and then do an offsite copy to our secure remote storage meaning your data is always available.
A Smart Data Storage Strategy
Fulgent’s managed Backup-as-a-Service (BaaS) resolves the overheads associated with your companys backup processes.
No more having to remember to put that backup device in each night, no more having to burden a member of staff of being responsible for having to take backup media home.
It also protects your backup data from a ransomware infection spreading across your network and maliciously encrypting your all important backups, as copies fo your data are held offsite on our secure servers in our datacentre’s.
Data Retention
Cloud or On Premise
Supported Data Recovery
Affordable and Flexible
Safe and Reliable
Local And Offsite Backups Of Your Data
We adopt the recongnised industry standard 3-2-1 strategy, means having at least three total copies of your data, two of which are local but on different media, and at least one copy offsite.
Your companies data on your file servers that you access every day – That’s one copy of the data.
Each night we perform a backup of the data to a separate local storage device, maybe a NAS box or an external USB drive – That’s a second copy of the data.
Once the backup job has completed to the local storage, a copy job is then ran to transfer that backup data offsite to our secure servers in our datacentre – this is the third copy of the data.